
To all of our new patient please download

My orthodontist app

We ask all of our patients to download the Dolphin My Orthodontist App when beginning treatment at our office.

With the Dolphin MyOrthodontist App the user has the ability to view any photos, x-rays, and records that we have taken in our office.

Not only this, the user has the ability to make payments, view upcoming appointments, message our office, and review any documents given to the patient.

If you have multiple children in treatment in our office under the same insurance feel free to ask us to merge their accounts to view both of their information in one place.

If you ever forget your password or username please try accessing your account using the desktop site, anywheredolphin linked below. You may manage your information there.

To prevent password loss we recommend our patients to activate the biometric feature when initially creating your account with us and also to log in to the Dolphin MyOrthodotnist via their desktop site, AnywhereDolphin.

How to Save your Password on Anywhere Dolphin

Once you create an account with the Dolphin: My Orthodontist App you can manage your account on anywheredolphin.com. This is a connection to your app using the same credentials used for the app. You can either use the online version or app on your phone.. The website is more reliable when it comes to saving your account information such as the password. You can still access all information that is needed via the online website. Sign into your dolphin online account with the link below!


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