Celebrating Children’s Oral Health Month with Barbara Ponce Library The statistics show that only 69% of children in FL have received a dental health visit in the past 12 months. Ideally we like...
Oral Health Benefits for People of all Abilities Dr. Cataldo & GSG enjoy working with patients with special healthcare challenges and strive to create a safe and positive experience. We have...
Fluoridated Water and Infants We all want our water supply to be as “clean” and “natural” as possible right?! Pinellas has had fluoridated water (0.7ppm) since 2013. Fluoride is classified as a...
Teething Balms Teething is one of those coming-of-age milestones that many parents dread.. drooling, fevers, and cranky babies! This natural process can be helped via the assistance of cold teething...
Finger sucking habits and how to break them Habits and how to break them~ Thumb sucking is normal during the first few years of life. Approximately half of all children will stop non-nutritive habits...
While American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) are recommending pacifier use to prevent SIDS, babies also use pacifiers for non-nutritive sucking (NNS) and soothing. Another form of NNS is thumb sucking...
WHOAH! Congratulations, braces are off, the days of being strapped and poked by those metal wires and brackets are already done, your smile is astonishing! And your orthodontist will say RETAINERS!...
Have you gotten your influenza vaccine yet? Influenza, or “the flu,” is a highly contagious disease that can be life threatening and affect the entire body. The strain changes frequently, which is why...
This is an exciting time for families with kids going back to school! We know how much meal preparation goes into trying to feed them healthy foods. From a dental perspective, certain meals and snacks...